Software Usage Information Statement

Maptek understands that usage reporting may raise concerns over privacy and security, in particular, around data that is being recorded and how it is used. Maptek has a diverse global customer base and we endeavour to provide software enhancements and updates that address the needs of many individual users. Maptek is not concerned with how you as an individual use our software; rather with how our customers collectively use our software. This helps us to improve software for the best outcomes for our customers collectively. For example, one of our customer experience goals is to ensure we can better support hardware and software configurations used by global customers as their selection of different computing platforms, both physical and virtual, expands.

Why Maptek collects software usage information

Maptek continues to collaborate with customers to collect information that helps us target the focus and direction of our solutions to match customer and industry needs. Participating in software information means we will collect anonymous information about your hardware configuration and how you use Maptek software. The collection of software usage data occurs in the background and does not interfere with your software use.

How Maptek uses software usage information

Greater insights into how our software is used allows Maptek to make better decisions on how to improve it for the benefit of all customers. This data is used by product development teams to prioritise decisions and direction.

What information Maptek collects

The software usage information Maptek collects remains anonymous - it is not collected, used or stored in a way that can identify an individual. The technologies used are GDPR compliant and data collected is unable to be used in a way that could identify you (name, phone number, email, images, filenames etc.) or associate the software use with an individual user. Your IP address will be temporarily collected for classification of the country, then automatically deleted before any further use or storage of that information is possible.

Example of information collected:

  • System hardware (e.g. RAM, CPU, Video card) and operating system (e.g. version, language)
  • Software versions and features (e.g. application menu items selected)
  • Software crashes (e.g. to proactively fix)
  • Limited performance profiling (e.g. time taken to process for optimising common functionality)

Can I opt out?

You can opt-out of the collection of software usage information at any time in the Maptek Workbench preferences panel.

Please see our privacy policy or contact us if you have any questions.